Florida was exhausting... I had a great time w/just hubby and I. I really did.. But there were a few pangs of guilt when I saw sweet little kids caught up in the awe of Disney Magic.. and then there was the kids screaming bloody murder, and the guilt was gone!!! :)
But I did feel like the lady in that joke (who when her husband asked her what she wanted for her b-day, she said she wanted to be six again.. so he dragged her to every amusement park? but she really wanted to be a SIZE 6 again..).. Anyhow, That was me!... I've seen EVERY INCH of ALL the Disney parks. It was fun.. Next time, I have to make sure that a month before, I train on the treadmill at the gym and not the elliptical..!!! My calves were screaming! Anyhow, it was much fun...
Hubby got to drive a race car around for 8 laps.. Look at the "THIS IS SOO COOL!" smile
He looks all NASCARy!!It's a guy thing!
For Hubby's b-day this year, the kids and I gave him a 'BASS fishing excursion' on one of the Disney lakes... So, off we went... and I had to be a big girl.. b/c wouldn't you know... the fishing guide was a girl !!! GOSH DANGIT, I couldn't play the 'ewwy yucky fishy thing' part... I had to suck it up!!!... and I did.. and caught ..1-2-3-4-5! FIVE fish!...and um, hubby? well.. he, um, kinda um, only caught one.. and he said it was too small to photograph - and yes, Leslie and Rachel - after letting this big guy go, I did indulge in a Purell hand bath! I'm thinking of going pro.. haha.. NOT!
It was really fun.. but OMG, did I ever get sunburn where I missed w/sunblock, or it just wore off, not really sure.. but my shoulders are still molting...
On the knitting front.. I'm back on the cardigan again.. I didn't want to cart that project to FL w/ me.. I finished one of the saucy socks this past week while away on biz trip, so I'll go back to the cardigan ( I NEED TO FINISH IT)
Anyhow, Kimmy !!!!I'm back, and I'll be surprising you tomorrow... by going to your office.. well. it's not really a surprise now.. since I'm sure you'll see this before I get there.. Have a good week all!
I can't believe it. Real pictures of real people! Does M know?! It looks like fun, and I'm sure the kids had fun with their grandparents, so no guilt. Five freakin' fish and NASCAR. Who do you people think you are, the Connors?
Sock picture, please!
Those Disney trips ARE exhausting! And without kids to whine for stops for food and store visits and Mickey chats every minute, all the more so, probably! ;) Anyway, welcome home, you were missed!
Oh, and P.S. That's great about the Purell, but I am also a fan of lots and lots and lots of sunblock, too. So I am very, very disappointed, young lady!
vacations require a vacation upon return.
glad you had a fantastic time! and glad you have a long weekend to rest! :)
SO amazed about the fish thing.
thought of you and kim yesterday when i saw a guy get out his gloves to pump gas. he wouldn't even touch the GLOVES when he took them off. right into a bag.
i think it looked like a great idea! you in? :)
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